Cintia F. Hongay, PhD (Genetics, Harvard Medical School), KYT 200+ and Yoga Tune Up® teacher, has been practicing yoga for more than 25 years. Her first training was in the Iyengar method with Candace Carey in Belmont, MA, where she gained knowledge of body alignment and proper use of yoga props to be able to relax in the pose and attain a meditative state. She practiced and enjoyed yoga pre-during-and post-pregnancy and knows first-hand how to modify asanas for the developing belly. She is the creator of “Yoga for Every-Body®”, a class she first taught in 2015 at the CLEAR Program of SUNY Potsdam and has been offering since at the Canton Yoga Loft. Yoga for Every-Body® blends the awareness of asana expression for different body types and proportions that she has learned through her yoga teacher trainings with her profound knowledge of anatomy and physiology acquired from her academic studies.
She has attended several workshops at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health including yoga for back pain, the Franklin method for yoga, proper pelvic alignment, and meditation. Cintia received her yoga teacher certification in 2014 after completing a month-long immersive and intensive yoga teacher training at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in MA. Interested in spinal health and self-massage for fascia conditioning, she trained with Jill Miller at Kripalu in 2016 where she received her Yoga Tune Up® teacher certification. Cintia is the only Yoga Tune Up® certified teacher in the North Country: